Building the best Waco we can drives us to coordinate and collaborate on growing a city center that everyone may enjoy. We strive to make sure that the community is familiar with all the benefits and amenities Waco has to offer, that they take pride in their hometown and get engaged in making it an even better place to live. Likewise, we will work to help make sure that the residents of Waco feel pride in their hometown university, Baylor University. Whether coming to campus to enjoy a sporting event, art exhibit, lecture, or visit our bears, we want Wacoans to feel welcome on campus and to be proud that Baylor is a part of the city.
The Baylor Solid Gold Neighbor Initiative serves as a point of connection, coordination, engagement and innovation, helping to marshal the resources of the university in support of goals and opportunities that are important to our community. In regard to Baylor/Waco pride, our intention is to work effectively with The City of Waco and numerous other community partners to build up a culture in Waco and Baylor of mutual pride, appreciation and investment.
- Develop pipelines and a culture that attract and retain the best and brightest talent.
- Support and communicate the downtown city center as a hub for entertainment and culture.
- Position Baylor University as the hometown school of Waco and integrate the Baylor faculty, staff and students into the community.